There is a song by
Pinnacle and the Antidote claiming "she wants tha D.I." But how does she want it? I mean should it be regular, super sized or "so where you gonna put that?" Men over the ages (ages being 10 years ago when I started to have sex) have wanted to know the answer to this question. The better question would be what's the state of our
fragile egos once the knowledge has been revealed to us?
I never ask a woman if I have a big penis because as far as I'm concerned I would rather know other things. For example, a how do you like it question is always appropriate. If you've got the goods she will simply let you know about it either by being frank or continuing to have sex with you. That way it relieves you of living up to porn standards (we shall delve into pornography later).
Years ago I made the mistake of probing. The conversation kinda went like this:
HER (obviously): I really like the size of your dick. It's pretty big.
ME: (fuck you mean pretty): What do you mean by that?
Her: It's nice and thick...
ME: Oh ok. So is it the biggest dick you ever had?
Then I got the answer that I didn't want to hear. I could have just been silent and let her marvel in the glory known as "my penis." Instead I questioned further. A man's ego begins and ends with his cock. It's all he has in this world and it's more important in than his word. Or so I thought.
According to
health for men, the average penis size is between 6 and 6.5 inches in length. Given that some men self measured, we can safely assume that the measurements are fabricated. I can hear men now, "fuck science you ain't touching my dick!" For those men that allowed doctors to touch their junk saying the term"no homo" repeatedly, definitely occurred. So if the studies are accurate, give or take an inch, where do our ideas permeate from. I would suggest pornography.

Unless you have a girlfriend or a casual sexual partner, most guys are in front of their computers wack, wack, wacking away. During our few fleeting moments of ecstasy (and I do mean few) we internalize visual and audible sexual cues. Every guy we see has a humongous cock and the women love it! So we undoubtedly believe that guy to be the norm. But if we would listen to the recipients of cocks we could hear the pain a god penis inflicts. Imagine being that guy who has a difficult time climaxing because he's bringing more pain than pleasure. I may be going out on a limb but few women are in the business of a constant cervix beat down. Except in the case that she does like it or she's a porn star or both.
Guys just be pleasantly surprised that your girlfriend or sexual partner has made a conscience effort to continue having sex with you. That should be a perfect indication you're doing something right. Oh and ladies continue to avoid the question because contrary to popular belief we have fragile egos.
No homo Pinnacle for including your picture in this post.