What I find hard to tolerate is rudeness in daily social interactions. I can not tolerate clearly being next in line to pay for my items and the clerk taking a person's money and items ahead of me. I can not tolerate having the elevator door opening up to a person that will not let me get off first. Oh! The look you get when they walk into you! As if wanting to get off the elevator is a serious infraction on the quality of life. I can not tolerate someone closing my foot up in the elevator because I took a nano second to long getting off. I consider myself lucky that the elevator doors are not made of sharp, metal blades or I would have no feet to put my Air Jordan's into.
In keeping with the thread of impatience I can not tolerate people not letting other people get off the subway before bursting into the subway car. That's just regotdamndiculous! I can not tolerate someone abruptly stopping to text instead of moving to the side. Again, looking at me as if I deliberately tried to ram my dick into their back. Aside from all that I really hate the grocery store etiquette. I always have to ask myself "did this person move my basket without at least saying excuse me?" Or "did you really just ram your basket into me? I'm tall and black, you can't miss me!" I'm the black spot in a homogeneous society...how can you not see me in a well lit grocery store?
I've visited a few countries now, and the locals were polite. Even in some of the poorest countries, even the Asian countries that some Korean nationals degrade, got it right in the politeness department. No one did any of the aforementioned complaints. When I return to Korea from traveling, I have to wonder why I fell in love with this country to begin with. While I can tolerate ignorance regarding ethnicity and nationality, I can not tolerate rudeness. Some might say that it's Korean culture or that culture is relative to where you are in the world. I say there must be a barometer on kindness to people outside of your immediate circle. For starters, instead of looking at me or others as if I sexually assaulted your back because you decided it was the best time to watch Gangnam Style on your cell phone, you should say your apologies.
I genuinely like that Seoul Metro Transit is displaying proper subway etiquette on the subway station monitors. Hopefully it trickles down to other aspect of social life.
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