This kid seated to my right yelled something in my ear. I couldn't hear him. His inaudible loudness simply made me want to slap the shit outta him. But I didn't because people still are inclined to judge a book by its cover. When my ears recovered, he repeated and said that he and his two other buddies were gay. His buddy objected from across the table and over the music. With a dumb ass look on my face, I replied,O...K. He returned with "is that OK?".
I thought to myself, since when do people break the ice by asking if one's sexual orientation is OK with me. That is like asking if it is cool that I'm black once I've already entered your presence. Dude, of course it is fine because it is who you are. It's not like I can stop being a black person. "Oh, so it's not cool that I'm black? Well, I have a switch on my back, so feel free to turn it off." In keeping with the meme, Not A Single fuck Was Given. Dear Guy sitting next to me in that loud ass bar,
Don't make any attempt to defiend who you are. Thank you and you're welcome!
The Council
I think he was hitting on you