This is certainly a blog post attacking ma fuckas that cough on me. Only in the twilight zone is it perfectly acceptable to cough on another human being. One would think that with all the scientific advancements made in the last century, fuck that daily, people would do his fellow human being the courtesy of covering his/her mouth. Somehow this common courtesy has alluded the great nationals of the Republic of Korea.
I write this post while sick in a coffee shop. As a "
social experiment" I am deliberately spewing my virus into the open air. My hypothesis being, if I cough without covering my mouth then no one will give a flying fuck. As I release my spores no one gives a flying fuck. Actually, the people here seem to be joining me, creating a kind of influenza orgy. You sick fucks! Why haven't any of you reprimanded my blatant offense. That's right I live in the twilight zone.
My sentiments exactly |
If you ever wonder why you're a walking petri dish year round just remember the countless times you've been sneezed on by your students. When I am sneezed on by my students, I lose my shit for the entire day. There is nothing anyone can say to convince me that my student didn't do that shit because he hates me. They always have a sick smile on their face after sneezing in mine. I don't know which is worse being sneezed on or being pissed on. Both of which has happened to me.
So I have a solution of the grandest kind. The next time a person sneezes on you, kindly wipe away the mucus, look them in their face with an understanding smile and then explain why you're going to slap them with the strength of a thousand pimps. I like to call it "sneeze n slap". It has to be a slap and not a punch because people can't believe a ma fucka would have the audacity slap them. Besides the point is to promote awareness not an altercation (O.o). I have played this out in my mind a million times and every time I've reached an orgasm. My dear South Korean brothers and sisters please cover your mouths when you sneeze, cough, inhale and exhale. I just might slap fire from you!
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