A girl my mom knew (wait relating to anybody my mom's age as a girl is kinda repulsive) named her child, Marijuana Tequila. That dear Minions, is a true story. The names that I have come across in Korea have been interesting to say the least. I met a dude on the back streets of Yanjae who went by the name of Appleseed. Appleseed is hardly a nick name but more like a twitter handle. The name was kinda befitting because he looked like Johnny Appleseed. Imagine a frontiersman juxtaposed against the neon lights of Seoul. Weird. The other day a chick told me her name was cow. Hearing a woman introduce herself as cow made me a little, well a whole lot of uneasy. Once a friend of mine introduced herself as taint aka perineum the entire night.

All of these names have different truths about them. Yet, humanity tends to relate them to what is true on a mass scale. This line of reasoning is helpful because with so much information happening around us life becomes a bit easier when we can place things into a category. Names speak volumes and at times go ahead of you before you are physically in the conversation. Sometimes they let people know who the fuck you are. If you are a person of color, black, latino or asian, your name can be beneficial in corporate america i.e. affirmative action. Granted, you must have a name that is easily pronounceable. If your name is Carmaletha, Shaquita or Devian (pronounced Deviun with a faux French accent..lol) you probably won't see the light of day on Wall Street because these names are filled with things one does not want to be associated with. Poverty, uneducated, criminals and my favorite "lazy sons of bitches". Imagine the hard work Carmaletha put in to be considered as a candidate for the position only to be dismissed because of her name. I'm sure this happens

P.S. If one more person tells me that stupid joke about the girl named La-a in which the dash is pronounced I'm going to rip your fucking heart out.
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