Once when I was train riding to Itaewon (not paying the fare) I witnessed a man kicking his wife on the low (inconspicuously...as if you could kick someone this way) and murmuring curse words. He had a son and she looked to be pregnant (I guess the cycle will continue). The image always stayed with me because I never said anything to the man. I missed an opportunity to help someone being battered and instead of defusing the situation I sat rebuking his action idly. Still part of me wonders what happens to the women when an outside source intervenes. Does the husband or boyfriend go bizerk because when the commotion is done she still has to go home with him?
One time a friend of mine tried to help a woman because her boyfriend kicked her in the stomach. Guess who side she took when my friend confronted the boyfriend. Let’s say the only reason my friend wasn't in jail for kicking that dudes ass was because the owner of the bar saw the entire altercation. My ex girl friend saw a man beating up a woman in Itaewon and nobody stopped to help. Nobody! I’m sure if the man was a Foreigner a Korean man would have helped out. The only reason the dude stopped was because he realized that he was stomping her ass out in public. I told her that the word may be out to refuse help to Korean woman being battered in public. What a fucking shame! There should be no excuse for helping someone unless you live in America.
Sir you present a rather interesting paradox especially, as you aptly explained, when we consider what happens to the woman after the fact. I think I would take the risk nonetheless. It's just how I was raised.
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine is being slapped about by her so called BF and there is nothing i can do to help her because the police don't give a crap and my friend is to scared to ask for help. I feel like i need to get involed but with all the bullshit that goes on in the uk ill be the one who ends up getting locked up or punished.