Frank Ocean
Roughly two weeks ago, New York had it's first "legal" same - sex marriage ceremony. Yet, I couldn't help but wonder how it could have come to this? Who the fuck decided that heterosexual love is the only love worthy of marriage? Was it god or people who dictated that homosexual love was evil or unnecessary primarily because such unions produced no offspring? I contend that it was people and not god that has made it nearly impossible for gays and lesbians to be open about their sexual orientation.
Had I been born in a different era or location, my views on homosexuality could possibly be extremely different than they are currently. While I can certainly
Besides, what do you care? Personally, I find it flattering when a homosexual man finds me attractive. I don't need to prove my masculinity by using the phrase "no homo" as a goddamn punctuation mark. Currently, I'm sitting in a restaurant and the king of no homo, Lil Wayne, is playing on the radio. Wow, abrahamic religions created a world where expressing one's sexual preference is an absolute negative. Or god rather.

One thing that is perfectly clear is that god doesn't like homosexuality. In fact it is an abomination! God makes it seem as if homosexuality is not in the realm of redeemable sin. Damn is there a special place in hell for all fornicating homosexuals? Oh shit! They will go to hell with the same fuck holes that used god to justify slavery!YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
I leave you with Keith Olbermann, who like me is not gay but agrees with same sex marriage.
"You're asked to stand on the question of love!" - Keith Olermann