I use to swim in the pool of Korean girls that dated black men exclusively. To be exact, it is a kiddy pool that only comes up to your ankles. It seemed that every black dude was trying to get their size 13 wearing feet into that pool. Keeping with the pool analogy, these Korean women seemed to have only dipped their toes into black American culture. Unless you hate your ethnicity, there is nothing wrong with exclusively dating another ethnicity. If one chooses to venture down that path, do us a favor and research said ethnicity's culture.
If one more Korean girl (Korean nationals not gyopos) questions my blackness, I'm going to enroll her into a black studies class. You know, so that she can at least get the jest of my culture. No offense to my military brethren but some of ya'll are fucking up by giving these women one aspect of black culture. If I see one more Korean girl with the caption "my niggaz" every black dude in the military is gonna line up for a punch in the testicles. The exception being my man Levye.
If another So Young tells me that I'm not black enough, she won't be getting a conversation nor will she be getting hard dick and bubblegum. If another Jin Hee asks me why I like the Red Hot Chili Peppers she won't be getting any Blood Sugar Sex or Magic. After all almost every genre of music has been influenced by or originated from black music. I should put it into the blogosphere, hate me if you must but some of my brothers, no matter their ethnicity are young and immature. So to put it as Jay-Z once did about Soldier Boy Tell Em, you can't expect a young dude to be a certain way because he lacks life experiences.
So to help out all the would be black male dating Korean girls, I'm gonna do you a favor. Here are a few things that will get you on the way to understanding black American culture:
1. Trans Atlantic slave trade.
2. Harriet Tubman

4. Malcolm x and Martin Luther King Jr. and Marcus Garvey and W.E.B.Dubois and Booker T.Washington
5. Black Panthers/SNCC
6. Civil Rights Movement
7. Brown vs. Board
8. Chicken/black music
9. Modern discrimination
10. Phat asses
I leave you with this: The Negro National Anthem